Graduation Remarks - May 18, 2024

Good morning, Class of 2024---this is it.

The moment you have worked so diligently for---
The moment you have patiently waited for---
The moment that will be a stepping stone for you in the years to come---
This moment has finally arrived…
As we gather to celebrate you today, I recognize the simple fact that I am the only one standing between you, the ringing of the Victory Bell,  and your newfound status as a Graduate of Palmer Trinity School. 

I also recognize that today, you’re going to leave us...Your Palmer Trinity Family. 

Today, you “cast off”; you depart into the great unknown; you take the “next step” on your educational journey…Summer travels, study abroad, college…Who knows? 

And with that in mind, I’ll take full advantage of having this podium and microphone, and offer a few, hopefully, helpful, last pieces of advice…
Recently, I ran across this very brief poem by one of my favorite writers, the late Irish poet, John O’Donohue…I share it with you now, and ask that you keep it implanted in your brain (at least for the next 12 minutes), as I speak to you, for its message, I believe, is one worth remembering…One especially noting, as you leave your Palmer Trinity home…
I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own undoing.
—John O’Donohue
If we are to heed these words from this accomplished thinker and writer, our own “fluency”---our own life—depends upon the acceptance of “surprise”; the acceptance that we are NOT in control. We cannot predict what is to happen.
We also recognize that our own “undoing” is inevitable…We are at the “whims” of the Fates, so to speak. 
Today is a day to pause, reflect, and remember the joys, the sorrows, the ups and downs, particularly of your time here at Palmer Trinity.
Today is also a celebration of what is to come…And while I understand that you may be feeling anxious, nervous, or ready to leave, today is a beginning. A beautiful, exciting, and well-deserved beginning…A day to embrace the unknown, and whatever is to come your way.
And, the great news today is that You are ready. 
As you take this next step, and maintain your own “fluency”, please remember, to simply,
Be You.
As the great blues man, Willie Dixon reminds us: 
A bad rendition of you is better than a good rendition of someone else.
I agree with Willie Dixon. 
Only you can be you.

And you are a wonderful, complex, and ever-evolving human being. Someone who, as of today, is being recognized for the successful completion of a major step in your educational life…You are a Palmer Trinity graduate. You should feel proud. Today is a big day! Each of you has taken your “own road” to be here, and yet, as you well know, this is the first of what will be many steps on your journey. 
Celebrate your success today—savor it—but be ready to continue on your path of self-enlightenment…
As you travel that “path”, also remember to,
Stick to your Principles.
Hold on to your values…What you have been taught…As Mr. Chapman has reminded you for the last four years, Choose what’s Right!
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the “official” Survey I asked each of you to complete for me, I asked the question, “What is your legacy?” How do you want to be remembered? Not only here at Palmer Trinity, but in this big, great world?
Who are you? What do you want to be? Will you be a person of character—of integrity—someone who can be counted upon? Only you can decide. Noted philosopher, Yung Pueblo so eloquently advises each of us to:
Be honest with yourself
About where you are going
How you want to feel
While you are heading there
And who you want to be
When you arrive
Every moment is a destination,
An opening, a space for growth
The end goal should not distract you
From taking each step with intention
–Yung Pueblo
As you continue on your path, I ask, too, that you
Embrace failure.
Learn from it.
Don’t be afraid of it.

In your own quest to reach your desired level of success, you will fail….You won’t always succeed.
How you respond to that failure is critical, and will ultimately pay dividends for you…In fact, I would argue, that’s where the opportunity for real accomplishment lies. For it is in those valleys---those downward moments in which we are truly tested. Those times in which an easy answer is NOT an option and a straightforward route is NOT possible...Moments “in the crucible”...Those are the times in which we learn, grow and evolve. American author Wendell Berry says it much better than I do, telling us in his poem, Our Real Work
Our Real Work
It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.
-- Wendell Berry
Each of you has experienced those moments in your time here…Think about the challenges you faced, and some of those defeats you may have overcome—the losses you have “rebounded from”; the pain experienced in failure; the tough lesson learned from something that didn’t go as you planned or hoped for…Whatever it may be, you are here, at this moment…Ready to graduate, and move on…Alice Abrams, the acclaimed writer simply claims,
In life as in dance, grace glides on blistered feet.
Today you “glide” across this stage, ready for whatever comes your way!
As we all know the old saying so well, the race goes to the one who can endure…There will be moments ahead in which you’ll need to “gut it out”; grit your teeth; lean into your training, and simply 
Whatever the challenge, your mental attitude will be critical. Sometimes you just have to “hang tough”, and keep moving forward.
My friend, noted author, elite athlete, Appalachian Trail Record Holder, and Palmer Trinity guest, who visited us when you all were in Middle School, Jennifer Pharr Davis, encourages us all, telling us that,
When it comes to endurance, I’ve owned the fact that endurance often… is not pretty. There’s all this pressure to show up a certain way and look a certain way and always be your best self, but if you want to put in miles every day, if you don’t want to quit, the trail ingrains in you that you have to be willing to keep moving when it hurts and when it’s hard and when you’re crying. The career takeaway for me is just to show up and give your best every day, even when it’s not ideally the way you want to lead or present yourself. Sometimes endurance is just a little bit ugly.
—Jennifer Pharr Davis
Finally, remember simply to
Be grateful.
As I mentioned earlier, we are gathered here today to celebrate YOU…You have been given much…You are supported and loved, and you have an entire Community behind you ... .Don't forget to let the people who have helped you know just how much you appreciate their support. Remember their sacrifices, and all they have done for you, on YOUR journey…Be Grateful.
You’ve done that so visibly today, but keep at it! Don’t forget that each day offers new opportunities to be grateful…You can never say “thank you” enough. With that being said, I certainly am grateful to each of you. I say,
Thank you.

You have established yourselves, as leaders in the Classroom. You have set the bar high, for all to follow.
You have used your time well here, contributing well beyond that Classroom.

Your Positive Spirit and your Genuine Commitment to the Ideals of our School are of the highest order…Our entire Community owes you a great debt of thanks for leading us so capably. 
I say “thank you” for setting the tone, and being such effective leaders and influences for our School. You have been good mentors, role models, and Spirit Guides for our younger students.
You have “jumped in” and spoken out respectfully and powerfully, supporting causes to help others and our greater World.
You have helped lead our artistic efforts, sharing your creative talents for all to enjoy, and you have done so enthusiastically and generously, mentoring our younger musicians, thespians, and artists so capably.
You have competed at the highest level, with the most noble ideals, and, most importantly, with true sportsmanship on display.
You have accrued over 22,000  hours of volunteer service as a Class, living our Mission so well and so visibly.
You have Led with Love, and the ripple effect of such beautiful and thoughtful acts cannot be measured.
In short, you have served faithfully as a Palmer Trinity Student, and all that such a privilege and responsibility require.
In good Episcopal tradition, I’d like to leave you with one of my favorite Celtic Prayers:  
Prayer of St. Aidan
O God, leave me to be alone with you as much as may be.
As the tide draws the waters close in upon the shore,
make me an island, set apart,
alone with you, O God, holy to you.
Then, with the turning of the tide,
prepare me to carry your presence to the busy world beyond,
the world that rushes in on me
till the waters come again and fold me back to you. 
I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own undoing.
—John O’Donohue
And so, Class of 2024, as you take this next step—as you cast off today, into the waters ahead—with diplomas in hand, 
Know that you are loved.
Know that you are supported.
Know that we are always cheering for you.
Know that you will be missed.
Know that we are waiting, and hoping you will return in due time to share your stories with us. And, Always remember,
You may leave Palmer Trinity, but Palmer Trinity will never leave you.
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